Join Us!
We always welcome your time, talent, and treasure. There are so many ways to get involved and make your mark on this magical space. Read on for how you can get involved.

Ways to Get Involved
Garden Workdays are Thursday, Friday, and Saturday from 10am – Noon and 1pm – 3pm; other dates as needed / announced – follow us on Instagram or Facebook to stay in the loop. Any and all are welcome to join us in pulling weeds, staking tomatoes, turning compost, harvesting veggies, mulching paths, and any number of other garden tasks.
Other Volunteer Opportunities: Lend your expertise by teaching a class or sharing your skills! Please use our form:
Support Us
Shop the Weekly Farmstand (May – October) – Open Fridays, 2pm – dark, and Saturdays all day. Our farmstand is Pay-What-You-Can honorsystem, with all proceeds going to support the HHI-UI Youth and Free CSA programs.
Donate or Become a Patron by making a monthly contribution to our work. With your monthly support, you are making it possible for us to continue and our expand our work – growing gardens, cultivating community, transforming trauma.