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Network of Good

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Creating Positive Change

Welcome to our Network of Good.

Embracing the boundless potential of collective action, we firmly believe that together, we can forge a profound and everlasting impact. Through a tapestry of diverse initiatives, we weave a fabric of support that nourishes and elevates every aspect of our community. Each component is interconnected and adds capacity to each other, forging a powerful and synergistic model whose impact is greater than the sum of its parts. With our many community partners, we’re healing and rebuilding our communities and youth using the arts, environment, and social enterprise – creating a culture of health and sustainability that’s inclusive and just.

Our Network of Good currently includes Hood Huggers International, Peace Gardens & Market, Asheville Creative Arts, and the Blue Note Junction.

Together, let us forge a boundless future where dreams soar and hope thrives. Support the Network of Good and become an architect of a better tomorrow—for all our relations.

A small cheerful brightly painted house surrounded by plants

Artist Retreat & Residency

Peace Gardens Retreat & Residency was created to provide a regenerative space that supports and expands artists’ creativity and self-care. It’s important to note that we define “artists” as anyone who uses their skills and talents to create – whether they be creating visual art, built environments/structures, performance art, community, social change, gardens, etc.

Selected artists will enjoy a 6-week stay in our 2-bedroom, fully furnished bungalow located on site at the gardens. Walk out the door and directly into the amazing and inspiring Peace Gardens. Our vision is that visiting artists will add to the health and culture in our neighborhood and city, while recharging, renewing, and/or expanding their own crafts.

NOTE: The residency is currently occupied, but please follow us for updates on when this and other local residency opportunities open up, along with how to apply.

CSA Box for Elders

Welcome to the Peace Garden’s Free CSA model, where we’ve been nourishing the bodies and souls of our African American elders since 2003. As our garden has flourished, so has our mission to provide fresh, locally grown produce through our Free Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) program. Each week from May to October, we lovingly pack and deliver boxes of seasonal fruits and vegetables to over 25 recipients in our community. In 2023, we expanded our program to include neighbors facing significant health challenges, ensuring that everyone has access to nutritious food. Our boxes contain a variety of farm-fresh produce grown in our network of gardens, including heritage varieties that hold cultural significance to the longtime residents of our historically Black neighborhood. This year alone, we’ve harvested over 1700 pounds of produce! Plus, our Hood Huggers Under Instruction (HHI/UI) program allows local youth to deliver the boxes, fostering intergenerational connections that strengthen the fabric of our community. Join us in supporting our community’s health and wellbeing, one box at a time.
Hood Huggers group

Hood Huggers Under Instruction

Welcome to Hood Huggers Under Instruction (HHI/UI), where we believe that all youth have the potential to be leaders in their communities and excel at their passions. Our innovative program combines cultural competence, trauma-informed practices, and hands-on learning to empower youth with the skills and confidence they need to succeed. From financial literacy and construction skills to civic engagement and social-emotional intelligence, our arts-infused curriculum covers a wide range of valuable topics.

With a focus on small cohorts and personalized attention, we aim to help our participants improve their grades, increase community engagement, and develop transferable skills for future success. Our program is designed to extend learning beyond the classroom, with sessions held after school on weekdays and Saturday mornings year-round. Our youth also receive stipends to cover cost-related barriers and build financial literacy.

Through service learning, mentorship, and fostering a sense of community, we strive to not only heal trauma, but also equip youth with the confidence and skills necessary to address the root causes of barriers to success. Join us at HHI/UI, where we are actively helping youth build a supportive web for themselves and their communities.

Elementary youth following art lessons in the Peace Garden in Asheville

Hood Tours

The past, present, and future of African Americans in Asheville is a story of resilience and ingenuity. Learn about this powerful story on specially curated tours crafted to immerse you in the unique history and culture of Asheville’s historically Black neighborhoods and in communities throughout the region.

Hood tours are an intimate, interactive experience guaranteed to leave you looking at this mountain region with new eyes. History. Art. Poetry. Music. Community green spaces. Vivid voices. Grassroots initiatives.

Hood Tours are among the social enterprises housed under the umbrella of Hood Huggers International – the first Black-owned tour company in the region.

Blue Note Junction

Blue Note Junction

Imagine a space alive with vibrant art, culture and history; pulsing with the sound of live music, thriving local vendors, echoes of children playing…all surrounded by a captivating greenhouse, enchanting gardens, and artist village.

Blue Note Junction: A synergistic mix of art, environment, and social enterprise – a destination where the health and wealth of the community takes center stage.

This project is a continuation of the ongoing work of partner organizations Asheville Creative Arts (ACA), Hood Huggers International (HHI), and Peace Gardens & Market (PG&M). Expanding on our successful efforts to develop a youth training program, build BIPOC entrepreneurs, and establish culturally appropriate, health-affirming greenspaces – we are building a destination that supports the physical, emotional, and economic health of the BIPOC community, while giving visitors an immersive cultural experience. Part cultural center, part neighborhood spa, part business incubator, this all-inclusive space combines affordable housing with social entrepreneurship to build a destination like no other.